Every year in the outlying province of Benevento an unusual and wonderful event takes place. Like bees honing onto a flower, the men of Pontelandolfo flock to the main square . They come every afternoon, proud and defiant, to challenge one another, individually and in groups, to a grueling contest of…cheese throwing. La ruzzola del […]
Archives for Febbraio 2007
Torrone (Nougat):A Treasure from the Sannio
Few travelers are aware of the beauty, history, culture and culinary wealth hidden within the folds of the Apennines between Rome and Naples. Directly inland from the wonders of Mt. Vesuvius, Pompeii, Capri and the Amalfi coast, the Sannio offers a culinary experience steeped in ancient rural traditions. Even though this is the time of […]