My husband and I can think of very little we’d rather do than help people explore this great corner of Italy – we admire folks who have found a way to live here and help promote it to others!! Our hats are off to you!!
Archives for Dicembre 2007
Recipe: Beans and Chestnut
Ingredients 300 gr. chestnuts, 200 gr. beans, 2 cloves of garlic.Salt and red pepper to taste. Boil the chestnuts and beans separately. In a pan, heat the garlic, oil and peperoncino until the garlic is lightly browned, then add the chestnuts and beans. Salt and cook for 20 minutes. Serve hot. Serves 4.
A New Beginning
December 31st marked an important anniversary for Federico and me: four years since the closing of The Economy Book Center, the bookstore in Rome which had successfully supported our family for over forty years, and the beginning of our new life in the province of Benevento. We knew it was going to be hard (considering […]
This Little Piggy is…Black!
[slideshow=32] One and a half hours south of Rome – an easy drive down the A1 motorway – lies a very special restaurant run by a very special man. The estate is called Terre di Conca, with an 18th century casale in tufa rock set in 40 hectares of woods and organically-grown farmland. The man, […]
Ode al Maiale e alla Campagna Casertana (Gambero Rosso)
“Qualche tempo fa Berardino Lombardo aveva lasciato La Caveja, il locale di Pietravairano di cui era chef e patron, senza dare più notizia di sé. Lo abbiamo ritrovato di recente a portare in giro per manifestazioni gastronomiche e botteghe gourmet la “stringata”, straordinario salume di sua creazione. Un po’ stufo della vita da ristoratore, ha […]
Torrone Treasure Trove
Since December is the time of year when most Italians start preparing for the challenges of digestive overload, it would be difficult not to mention one of the most treasured products of our region: il torroncino (or small nougat) of S. Marco dei Cavoti. There are two schools regarding the origin of the word torrone. […]